Women’s Independence

Women's Independence and Safety

IRC Africa supports women and girls in Madagascar through various projects that promote women’s independence and safety. Here is a summary of our main projects:

Women’s Help and Support Center: This center provides medical, emotional, and psychological support to women who have been sexually abused. To deliver the caring and nurturing environment at every stage of recovery, our services include initial medical treatment, support groups and workshops, programs for transition to independence, and solutions for the children of the victims. The center also works to raise awareness of women’s rights and increase personal safety.

Preventing Child Marriages and Forced Pregnancy: In Madagascar, over 30% of girls under the age of 18 are forced to marry and become pregnant against their will, preventing them from accessing the education that can help them escape the cycle of poverty. The organization works to prevent child marriages through awareness, education, and support for girls at risk.

Establishment of the “Girls for Girls” Organization: Empowering young girls and preparing them for community leadership. The program is intended for girls aged 15-20 and includes leadership training, gender and women’s rights studies, English studies, computer skills, and other topics that the girls choose.

מקלט נשים

Economic Independence

Vocational Training and Employment

The Women’s Employment Center: We will establish a center to provide women with professional training and employment solutions. The center aims to help women acquire new professional skills and integrate into the local labor market. Services include training workshops, employment counseling, and support in starting small businesses.

Each donation of 400 dollars enables another woman to start her own business, paving the way to financial independence for her and her family.

למידה עם מחשב

Latest news

We have located a building

Fundraising campaign Gender-based violence-GBV

Women do not receive the professional mental and emotional care they need, which causes them to remain in a state of prolonged trauma without adequate support.